Battlestar Galactica

So this is a new example of how sci-fi is doing good lately. Me, I like series than, rather than collecting more or less connected anecdotic adventures of the cast, go in a well defined direction, like Babylon 5, Whedon's short lived Firefly or the new version of Galactica. I'm afraid, I can't recall the old BG, but this one certainly is good. The story goes as follows.

Humans, living in 12 separate colonies, created intelligent robots -the cylons- to do the hard work. Obviously, these robots rebelled and fought their creators until a truce was set. Then, the cylons vanished for decades. Rather than fearing that they could be evolving -which, in fact, they were- humans lived carelessly for years. Eventually, the cylons return and unchain a simultaneous deadly attack on all 12 colonies. When humans try to counterattack, it turns out that cylons have broken their defenses and penetrated their computer networks -with the help of Number 6, a new human-looking cylon model who had not much trouble fooling Dr Gaius into letting her reprogram his defense code-. Some humans, though, escape devastation. Most of them are the crew of BG, which has no network because commander Adama hates security breaches. Realizing that they have not much to do against cylons, they decide to flee in search of a place where they can start anew. However, cylons -now believing to be God's hand to erase His previous error: humanity- still have an agenda and letting humans escape is not in it. Besides, there's limited water and food supply, political tension and at least 12 human-looking cylon models that are mixed with the surviving crew.

Good plot, nice characters and pretty spaceships :)

Battlestar Galactica site

One niece to rule them all...

Now that the arrival of another niece is nigh, a post about the one niece is called. Hey, Clara, cheers from auntie Cris! :)

Drawing in Mexico

So this is a quick watercolor sketch I did from Mexico, back when I travelled there last year. I definitely need to go back and see Merida asap!

A Mexico rough watercolor skectch

Been there, done that: China

So I finally got to the Great Wall after all these years of playing TRII ...

Finished reading the weekend ...

El Ultimo Caton (M. Asensi) Not bad, but very, very predictable. It is clearly written as a movie script, but fairly well documented and easy to read.
It focuses on three very different persons charged by the Vatican with the task of finding a strange sect known as the staurofilax who are stealing all relics involving pieces of Jesus' cross. Their only clue is the dead body of a member of the sect who died in a plane crash and had several strange cross-like scars etched in the body. Soon, they will discover that the mystery is related to Dante's Divine Comedy and that they are bound to walk through the nine circles of the Purgatory before reaching their goal. My only regret is that I did not manage to sympathize
with the main characters. A 7.5/10 would do.

I've also re-read Terry Pratchett's Eric in the plane back from Tenerife, because of the circles of Hell, and all. I give it (again) a 9.5/10 as to most Pratchett's books. Some random quotes of the book:

"The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so."

"Rincewind had] looked Death in the face many times, or more precisely Death had looked him in the back of his rapidly-retreating head head many times..."

"The badge said: "My name is Urglefloggah, Spawn of the Pit and Loathly Guardian of the Dread Portal: How May I Help You?"

Plus, Prometheus' torture :)

Rincewind: "What's going on? What's happening to him?"
Azaremoth: "I don't know what he done, but when I first come here his punishment was to be chained to that rock and every day an eagle would come down and peck his liver out. Bit of an old favourite, that one."
Rincewind: "It doesn't look as though it's attacking him now."
Azaremoth: "Nah. That's all changed. Now it flies down every day and tells him about its hernia operation. Now it's effective, I'll grant you, but it's not what I'd call torture."

The house of the flying daggers

This is the last movie I've seen and I must say that I did not like it very much. Pretty booooring. Fights are okay, specially the first one with the drums, but we are so used to Matrix and Hong-Kong like combats that this is not enough for a film to be interesting anymore. The plot is a very simple and predictable love story with only a few surprises. I liked "Hero" more and found that one slow as well! I think I'll stick to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" a little longer.

And the oscar goes to ...

Safe bet! I think I figured out all major Oscars this year, so I had already prepared a little sketch of the best animation film for the occasion. Isn't The Incredibles the best superhero film ever!

My fav character this year ...

Has been, of course, Puss in Boots, who looks just like my Angora cat. No award for Shrek, but he has the cutest look!

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