Serenity: September 30!!

In my humble opinion, Josh Whedon's Firefly is the best sci-fi series ever, but it only lasted half a season for reasons that escape my limited wits. Fortunately, Serenity, the movie is coming in september, 30. I'm not sure it will be released in Spain as well, but, hey, planes to NYC are fairly cheap, anyway! Meanwhile, this month Dark Horse has released Serenity#1 (comic series) in continuity with "Objects in space" and previous to the movie. Got the Mal cover, myself! And, while I wait, I can do some drawings on the crew ...

FF: Not so Fantastic, but not bad either!

Maybe I was not expecting much of this film, but I sort of enjoyed the ride, even though the plot was not much. FX are okay (except Mr Fantastic) and most characters were correct (except, well, ... Mr Fantastic) Doom was a dissappointment, though. As much as I like the actor -and he played the script all right- I stick to the old Von Doom in comics, ruler of Latveria and all the stuff. This Tetsuo-like one was a bit out of character. Enjoyable movie, anyway.

War of the worlds

Nope. Sorry, but I did not buy it. I still like the first film better. Right, no flashy FX there, but the script was faster and, somewhat, better paced. True, I get bored pretty easy, but why does Cruise have to be on screen in every plane of his last films? Like that Last Samurai thing, where he copycats the strategy of Leonidas in Greece (classic battle where every spartan got killed, BTW). Ok, Kingdom of Heaven was far worse, but we all know that Scott does one good/two bad with his movies! I think I stick to Minority Reports as Cruise's only film I really like.

BTW, where did the guy with the digital video camera in the beginning buy it? Everything stops to work, including cars and electricity,but it keeps recording even after it hits the floor ... Gimme two!
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