Back from summer and winter is coming
Hey, readers (if there are any :D)
I've been grounded in Granada this last month so I pretty much just read the four Song of Fire and Ice books by G.R.R. Martin that I bought from Amazon in July, and, hey, were they good! True to myself, I rather liked second line characters like Asha Greyjoy or the Dorne Viper better that the main ones. My fav among the main cast, though, were to be expected (Arya and Brienne, mostly) except for one: Jaime, which I grew pretty fond of as soon as the second book. Compulsive as I am, I decided to make my own film cast for the books and wasted enough time to draw quite a few of them, which I'm posting in my art blog. I'm leaving some here, though, so you can try to guess who are they based on :)
Dany Targaryen (dragons are a giveaway :D)

The pretty pair, aka Jaime and Cersei

"Brave but not brain" Ned Stark

"Bring on the party" King Robert

Survivalist Arya Stark

Just a bit of guessing on book five ahead so read no more if you have not read a Feast of Crows to keep spoilers a-bay
It is obvious (at least from my POV) that Jon is the son of Rhaegar and (willing) Lyanna Stark, so he'd be one of the dragons heads along with Dany. But ... who's the third? Is there any suspicious unclaimed bastard in the book who might have survived the War with his/her Targaryen blood safely inside his/her body? Could be he/she is hidden in plain view, just like the Sarella/Alleras girl, but I can't find! Theories welcomed, friends!
I've been grounded in Granada this last month so I pretty much just read the four Song of Fire and Ice books by G.R.R. Martin that I bought from Amazon in July, and, hey, were they good! True to myself, I rather liked second line characters like Asha Greyjoy or the Dorne Viper better that the main ones. My fav among the main cast, though, were to be expected (Arya and Brienne, mostly) except for one: Jaime, which I grew pretty fond of as soon as the second book. Compulsive as I am, I decided to make my own film cast for the books and wasted enough time to draw quite a few of them, which I'm posting in my art blog. I'm leaving some here, though, so you can try to guess who are they based on :)
Dany Targaryen (dragons are a giveaway :D)
The pretty pair, aka Jaime and Cersei
"Brave but not brain" Ned Stark
"Bring on the party" King Robert
Survivalist Arya Stark
Just a bit of guessing on book five ahead so read no more if you have not read a Feast of Crows to keep spoilers a-bay
It is obvious (at least from my POV) that Jon is the son of Rhaegar and (willing) Lyanna Stark, so he'd be one of the dragons heads along with Dany. But ... who's the third? Is there any suspicious unclaimed bastard in the book who might have survived the War with his/her Targaryen blood safely inside his/her body? Could be he/she is hidden in plain view, just like the Sarella/Alleras girl, but I can't find! Theories welcomed, friends!
OMG, I'm right now reading the second book and I love the story. People at work tell me I'm crazy when they see that huge brick :D
Did you see the B&W illustrations some bookstores give away with the books? We got some when we bought the fourth book for a friend and they look pretty cool :)
Hey, Carlos,
Nop, I have not seen those drawings; I ordered the whole thing via Amazon just before summer and read all four in august. They keep improving!
Good reading!