"Corazon de Ulises", Javier Reverte

I finally finished this book, that I kept putting aside now and then to read something else. Not that the book is boring or anything, simply that other readings caught my attention more. "Corazon de Ulises" is a book about a trip to Greece. I like everything I've read from Javier Reverte and this book is no exception, however I liked the Africa books better. I've been in Greece myself and the book seems too nostalgic and not as bright as Greece most times seemed to me, but that's the thing with travel books: if your experience in the country was different, the feelings do not fit. Anyway, I'd recommend the book, as well as any of Reverte, to anyone interested in travel.

1 Response to ""Corazon de Ulises", Javier Reverte"

  1. Fernando says:

    Leí a Javier y a su "Corazón..."cuando salió publicado hace bastantes años"Desde aquel día quise ir a Grecia y un día pude hacerlo. Fueron más de dos semanas. Estuve tres días en Ítaca donde conocí a Dimitris, que se portó muy bien conmigo, un desconocido.

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