Why the Grinch stole Easter ...
Or I wish he had! Damn spanish Easter! It might look interesting the first few times, when you don't have to live it every year but try to walk the city center during this week and you'll see! All these procesiones have to cross the same streets at the same time, effectively cutting them from 6 pm to 1 am. I had to walk the green line in the picture to get home after I got trapped before in the center by several procesiones (see red lines) all competing to get the best walkthrough.

And then, all these people who had not gone to church since baptism crying on the streets, shouting and telling you to be respectful and just stay there until the whole crowd is gone. That's education (and, why not, religion) for you these days :P Today I had a creep short enough to not reach my chin and 45 kg average telling me that I could not move through as rudely as he could. It took me all I had to just not punch him out of my way, something that was looking easier by the moment. Yet, the day is still young ...
When you said "And then, all these people who had not gone to church since baptism crying on the streets, shouting and telling you to be respectful and just stay there until the whole crowd is gone.", maybe you forgot "with their booze on their hands" ;-)
That really pisses me off.
Hope you don't suffer it too much. Fortunatelly, here in Madrid they're quite far away from where I live.
You are lucky, Carlos, here in Granada the town center is so small that it is impossible not to meet 1 or 2 when you try to move between any random two locations :(
And, about booze, you should see it here during "Las Cruces" in may. When I lived in Madrid, I used to come here every year for the celebration. Now I try NOT to be here at all during that week. Last time I had to cross Plaza Nueva at 5 pm it took me more than one hour for 100 meters and I was showered in booze :P This year, I'll be in Corsica by that time, with a little luck ;)
Thanks for the comment, it sorts of cheer me up to see that someone agrees on this :P