Films and music

I haven't done much lately -except for getting the OW Advanced diving license-, so here are a few recommendations.

-Six Strings Samurai: a weird movie involving rock&roll, katanas and the Red Elvises (the music group behind the soundtrack). Alternative future where the US were conqueered by the russians and only Las Vegas resists under the rule of its king: Elvis. When he dies, a new king is needed and rockers from all around the country go to Las Vegas. However, Death has its own agenda and is also on the way to Las Vegas. I won't tell anything else just in case you get to watch the film. But, on a side note, the main character is (quite obviously) Buddy Holly with a katana :D

-Kungfusion (Kung Fu Hustle): what can I say except watch it in chinese with subtitles. A nut kung fu movie with cool fights and lots of crazy stuff that made me laught from the very beginning. It's from the crew of Shaolin Soccer, but unrelated. The movie focuses on a city controlled by gangs and a very special building in the suburbs where neighbours are not exactly what they seem to be. Better not to tell anything else. It's a must see for Hong-Kong movies fans.

-Bleed like me (Garbage): The new album and, being a fan of the previous ones, of course I'm listening to this CD as well. And, as usual, it takes me a bit of time to get used to the songs, but I'll get to it. I recall that my first Garbage album was a gift from my friend Sarah, who lived in London by the time, so here in Spain Garbage was not that popular at the moment. Lucky me, I got the preview :) Thus far, I stick to Beautiful Garbage. But in a couple of weeks ... who knows?

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