Books I've managed to finish ...

Busy lately, so only 2 :(
On stranger tides (Tim Powers), a quite strange pirate story with voodoo and magic all mixed up. As usual, Powers blends the action with real historic characters like Blackbeard, Ponce de Leon or quite less known Ann Bonny (main character in one of Zoe -never read anything from this woman if you and I have any likeness- Valdes' books) and gives a magical explanation to some events (like the earthquake that erased Port Royal from the planet). Part of it looks like Monkey Island, in a more serious style. Not amazing, but okay.
Ilion (Dan Simmons). I dunno why I read this one. I have read Simmon's Hyperion 4-books saga and I did not like it at all until I read the last one. As usual, Simmons makes it impossible to understand at all what is happening and develops 3 or 4 apparently unconnected threads that are too brainy for me, with all those references to Shakespeare and such. Plus, I'm afraid I'm bond to read the next one :(

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